Charles Domina
Novelist & Political Writer
This book is an attempt to highlight some of the major issues facing the Trump Administration and is not about Trump, the man. Some of our most important problems have been all but removed from the national conversation or, rather, sacrificed on the altar of politics and ratings by those attempting to destroy the Trump Presidency and with it, the nation. These are the enemies within…
Published Books
When Dr. Joanna Russo, genetic researcher, gets an invitation from her former Cambridge professor, she quickly accepts. Shortly after reuniting with an old school chum, Fiona Clark, she finds herself thrust into an adventure that begins in France in the year 1529 and is rooted in the darkness of past centuries, giving rise to matters now set to threaten the future of the world . . .
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
— President Ronald Wilson Reagan